
Thursday, August 23, 2012

You are what you eat.....and so is your hair! {Part 1}

Using all the best product is great, but what you put in your body counts just as much as what you put on your hair.

There are 10 foods for healthy hair, today we'll share the top 5, and, to give you some inspiration to get these foods in your body, we've included some recipe ideas too!

1.  Salmon
That's right, all those omega 3's plus protein and iron pack a punch to keep you and your hair healthy.

Here are some salmon recipe ideas...
Quinoa Flake Crusted Salmon with a Chile Citrus Sauce

Stir Fry Salad with Salmon

2.  Dark Green Vegetables
These veggies are a great source of vitamin's A & C, what your body uses to produce sebum, the hairs natural conditioner.

Here are some tasty ways to eat those green veggies!

3.  Beans
That's right, those beans are good for you and your hair.  Protein, iron, zinc and biotin are all good for healthy and strong hair and the beans have them.

Check out these recipes to help you eat your beans!
Bean a hurry

Kidney Beans Stewed in Red Wine with Tomatoes & Herbs


4.  Nuts
Aww nuts!  Just kidding, but those nuts are good for your tresses too.  Brazil nuts are filled with selenium, which is good for a healthy scalp.

Check out these tasty ways to get nuts into your diet...
Coffee and Vanilla
Maple Syrup Granola with Pecans, Cashews & Brazils

Caramelized Rosemary Walnuts
5. Poultry
Again, protein, protein, protein!  And it is easy for your body to reap those protein benefits from poultry. 

Spanish Roast Chicken with Romesco Sauce

Avocado Chicken Parmigiana

The remaining 5 hair healthy foods coming soon!

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